1983年,楊應瑞先生於舊金山創立美國太子行 至今已超過700個自有產品及代理全球知名品牌 對華人而言,最廣為人知的就是威州花旗參 美國太子行與威州參農總會合作近30年 提供符合最嚴格食安標準的優質威州花旗參 是威州參農總會授權使用官方認證老鷹徽號的合作夥伴 太子牌即是地道正統威州參的代名詞 匯集多元文化的太子行,更開發了姜王晶、中草藥茶、北海道鹿角靈芝等多種產品 這個不是為了賺到很多錢這個 而是真的當人家需要的時候,如果有些產品能夠幫助他們 我們也覺得似乎很有意義的事情 明白施比受更有福的楊應瑞先生,以關懷與照護被遺棄的先天性殘障孩童為使命 成立了唯一一間經由中國政府批准,與海外華人合辦的「和平之君」兒童福利院 提供殘疾孩童復健療程及生活職能培訓 已有許多名孩童被領養,開啟人生新的樂章 我們想到自己就像小天使一樣,我們想到自己就像小天使一樣 能幫助他們康復 讓他們感受到,將來使他們自由 更加獨立 “我不撇下你們為孤兒,我必然到來你們這裡” 以華人之心,從三藩市出發走向世界 美國太子行致力於提供優質產品,成為最可信賴的品牌 堅持企業使命行善不遺餘力,傳遞愛心,讓世界更美好 美國太子行

Welcome to Prince of Peace, your number one source for gourmet, health food products, and more. With over 700 products and 100,000 outlets all around the US, we're dedicated to providing you the excellent products from around the world with competitive prices and excellent customer service.

Our Story

Founded in 1985 by Kenneth Yeung, Prince of Peace has come a long way from its humble beginnings in a small office in San Francisco. When Kenneth first started out, his passion for a healthy lifestyle and Asian herbal supplements drove him to sell his house and started Prince of Peace to develop our very first weight-loss tea. Seeing the health benefits and demand for convenient consumption of American ginseng roots, Kenneth was the first one to introduce the American ginseng in a teabag form to the market. The great successes of our American ginseng tea along with other innovative forms of ginseng products make Prince of Peace the top-selling American ginseng brand in the United States.

A glass of American Ginseng tea with whole and
sliced American Ginseng root along side.

Prince of Peace was the first one to introduce the American ginseng in a teabag form to the market and remains the top-selling brand in the U.S.

More than Just Ginseng

Aside from American ginseng, we are also known for our Ginger Honey Crystals, Ginger Chews, Organic Chinese Teas, Herbal Teas, and our newly developed Deer Horn Shaped Reishi Capsules. All our products are made with high-quality ingredients and are tested by independent laboratories to assure the quality adhering to the FDA’s standard of food and drug safety. Our motto is “Prince of Peace is the Name You Can Trust!”

Prince of Peace Ginger Chews in a bowl.

Prince of Peace Ginger Chews is the number 1 selling ginger candy on Amazon.com.

More than Just Prince of Peace Products

Besides providing our own products, we are also a trusted distributor of over 40 renowned brands including Tiger Balm, Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, and Ricola, etc. We constantly source the most cutting-edge and high-quality products from all around the world. Our sophisticated distribution network and cost-effective business model allow the products to be available to all at reasonable and affordable prices. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.


1983 – Prince of Peace was found in San Francisco

1988 – Los Angeles branch office established

1991 – New York branch office established

1994 – Hong Kong branch office established

2002 – Tianjin branch office established

2003 – Prince of Peace’s Children’s Home opened in Tianjin, China

2021 – Annual sales reached $80 Million

2024 – Annual sales reached $100+ Million

Blessed To Be A Blessing

As a devout Christian, our President strives to run Prince of Peace with Christian principles. One of our missions is that we are blessed to be a blessing. 

Being born in China, Mr. Kenneth Yeung has a big burden for the orphans and abandoned children in China, which amounts to more than 16,000 children, not including the ones by the countryside. 

The Bible says that God is “a father to the fatherless” and calls us to “look after orphans.” This compelled Ken to set up the POP’s Foundation(POPF) back in 1994 and the Prince of Peace’s Children’s Home (POPCH) in Tianjin, China, in 2003, to serve the orphans with special needs.
Prince of Peace’s Children’s Home.
POPCH does not just offer a place for the orphans to stay but also provides health and medical help including spinal corrective surgery or other medical treatments according to their needs. We have helped over 300 children over the years, and today, nearly 150 children call POPCH their home. There’s no greater joy than to bring the love of God to those who are in need. 
A women holding an baby and a yellow
bird puppet.Locally, Prince of Peace also contributes more than a million dollars’ worth of food, beverages, and monetary gifts to charitable organizations annually. We are truly blessed by your support, and we are excited to be the blessings of many others.

Click here to find out more about our charity effort.
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